Monday, July 11, 2011

How to Get Any Woman You Want - Is It Really Possible to Attract Any Woman You Desire?

There are a lot of sales messages in the dating advice for men world that try to give the impression that some guys can literally attract any woman that they want. And sometimes, when you take a look around and you see guys that seem to have a 'special' way with women, it can seem like that. It sounds like a pretty irresistible thing, to be able to attract any woman you want. Is this really possible?
I think you know what the REAL answer is going to be and that is NO, you can not literally attract any woman you want. The easiest way to blow a hole through that theory is to just take a look at any happily married woman and realize that if she truly is totally happy with her marriage... you are not getting her no matter how good you are with women. That being said, though, there are some skills and techniques that you can learn that will make it seem like you can attract any woman you want... to a point.

Mastering the ability to attract women is something that most men will NEVER be able to truthfully say that they have done. For most guys, attraction is a mystery, will always be that way, and they will end up with the first woman who says YES to them. Even if deep down they really want to be with a different woman, this is how most men's lives will play out. A little bit depressing when you think of it that way, no?

You don't have to settle for that kind of a life and there ARE some tips and techniques that can make sure you have a pretty good chance at getting the kind of women you really desire. Here are a few of those tips:

1. When you act like a guy who will bend over backwards to please a woman, that's exactly what you will have to do. (And most women are not attracted to this quality.)

It still surprises me at how many guys use this 'technique' as their way of getting women to like them. I would have thought that most guys would know that this is exactly how NOT to make a woman want you, but it seems that is not the case. Look, it is all well and good to want to be a nice guy, understand that desire. But, you cannot be a guy who bends over backwards and expect that this is going to be an attractive quality to a woman. Most women who DO like this quality... will expect that this is the way that you will always be. Imagine that. A lifetime of bending over backwards. No thank you.

2. Become a MASTER of chemistry and you will attract women.

No, I don't mean that you need to become a scientist or that you have to learn the periodic table or anything like that. The kind of chemistry that you want to become a master of is the kind of chemistry that makes a woman feel like she is having the time of her life when she is around you. When you have this ability, then you can make almost any woman feel like you just might be the one guy she has been searching for and that is the way that things begin to happen.

3. Do NOT act like you are just trying to make friends with her, let her know that you LIKE HER.

While you don't want to over do it and make a woman feel like she has you wrapped around her finger and you are always going to want her, you also do not want her to feel like all she has with you is friendship. You have to understand that women compartmentalize guys, and when you get compartmentalized as being friend material, dating pretty much is no longer an option at all for you. Let her know that you like her, don't be afraid to make that clear.

Article Source:
FDJ vega

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