Wednesday, June 15, 2011

How To Get Him Back: A Stunningly Courageous Act

Whenever a relationship goes haywire, guys are always blamed. More so, guys are always expected to initiate the first move to win their girls back. Ironically, a relationship is not only a guy's responsibility. When a relationship goes wrong, women are equally accountable to men. As such, men shouldn't be expected to always go after their partners.
However, a girl pursuing her partner is one uncommon scenario. To my knowledge, not one woman would dare. Surprisingly, a girlfriend of mine proved to be different. Admittedly, she felt extremely challenged but she was determined. My friend attested her boyfriend's personality who made it harder for her. Her determination however, was strong enough to look for schemes on how to get him back. Not only did she win him back. Fortunately, they are now fully committed.

I took the luxury to ask my friend what steps she went through in order to get her guy back. After all, experience is a good teacher.

The following are simple tips on how to get him back:

1. Acknowledge your fault.

Girls must recognize their accountability for the breakup. Although guys are oftentimes the culprit for broken relationships, that doesn't mean girls aren't involved.

Girls may never know but they can sometimes be the reasons for the breakup.

This scheme requires a deal of humility and it doesn't care who is in fault. It recognizes only one objective and that is to make peace with the boyfriend.

2. Discuss the problem and issues confronting

Even if you are into terms of making peace with your boyfriend, do not allow the problem to remain unresolved. Discuss the problem and issues which are confronting your relationship. These matters need to be dealt with accordingly. Properly addressing the issues will give both of you the chance and the capacity to overcome issues when they strike back.

My friend stressed that discussing issues is a sign of a girl's maturity in handling the relationship.

According to most psychologists, men may be a little reluctant to go into this process. Reasons of reluctance may vary among men. Some wouldn't want to open the issue. Others fear that bringing the issue into open may just complicate the situation.

Communication is a key element on this step. If the girl is really willing to win her guy back she should make the first move and not win for her man.

Moreover, this step is vital in gauging the girls' chances of regaining their boyfriends.

3. Forgive and be forgiven

Prior to the discussion of issues, the girl must already have made up her mind to forgive her boyfriend. The discussion is meant to formalize everything.

You must be vocal in releasing forgiveness. This act confirms the resolution of the conflict and the healing of your heart. More so, it gives peace to you and your partner.

4. Forget and Learn

Since you have forgiven, it follows that you don't hold grudge on your guy anymore. Forget his shortcomings but learn from it that you may know what to do the next time.

The above-enumerated steps are very contrary to what I really had in mind. I was thinking of giving peace-offerings, taking the guy to date, begging him to come back, etc. I stood corrected when my friend considered such efforts as futile attempts. They don't guarantee success in getting your guy back. Although, they may not be necessarily useless, one has to prioritize the four steps on how to get him back and the rest of the tactics will follow.

Article Source:
Amanda Holden Cute Photo Album – English Actress and Presenter

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